Saturday, July 31, 2010

My 10 week old Boxer puppy died yesterday and the necropsy came back undetermined cause of death. Any advice?

My 10 week old boxer puppy died yesterday. The necropsy came back ';undetermined cause';. Any advice to what may have happened? She started vomiting foam and blood, then fell over.

If anyone has any insight, please share it. My 10 week old Boxer puppy died yesterday and the necropsy came back undetermined cause of death. Any advice?
foaming at the mouth and vomiting is often a sign of ingesting something bad. You know even ONE Advil can kill a dog. but like everyone else if the vet doesnt' know I can't say. I am sorry your puppy died.. very sad! My 10 week old Boxer puppy died yesterday and the necropsy came back undetermined cause of death. Any advice?
I would contact the seller and see what they have to say. It sounds like it might have been something from birth or the conditions it was living in. However, since I'm not a vet and don't have their expertise, they would know more than I.

It just seems odd that a 10 wk old pup would die such a horrible death and no reasonable explanation for it.

Was this a vet of your own choosing or a vet the breeder told you to go to? Lots of times, those vets cannot be trusted simply because they are being paid off by the breeders.
if the vet doesn't know, I am sure I can't answer any better- epilepsy? stroke? I am sorry for your loss- it's always hard to lose a pet.
Was he by any chance hit by a car?
If the vet can't tell you, we certainly can't.

so sorry to hear of your loss. but pups sometimes do die, ask any breeder. where did you get the pup from?

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