Monday, July 26, 2010

Any advice on how to socialize a chinchilla?

i am about to get a chinchilla and i want it to become very social and cuddly, but i don't really know how.Any advice on how to socialize a chinchilla?
Chinchillas in general are not cuddly creatures. But chinchillas all have different personalities just like people do. Some chinchillas love to be held, others won't sit still for a second or come close to you.

However, I would consider getting a pair. Chinchillas are social creatures, living in groups of up to 50 animals in the wild. I also think that having a pair also helps them become more tame around people. Out of my two boys, one was very shy and the other isn't afraid of anything. Over time, the braver of the two would lead the shyer one to try new things, including letting me hold him.

Whatever you decide to do, when you first bring your pet home you should let it adjust to it's new surroundings first. So for a few days, don't try to take it out of it's cage. Do being to feed it treats through the cage so your chinchilla can get used to you. Then after a few days when your chinchilla is used to this, move it to the next step and feed the treats inside the cage. Then put the treat in your hand, making the chinchilla step on your hand to get it. Next, try scooping up the chinchilla while giving it a treat, keeping him in or near the cage when you do. Gradually over time, move farther from the cage each time.

Taming a chinchilla can be a long process, but in the end should pay off. It can take weeks, months, and sometimes even years. So don't give up and good luck!Any advice on how to socialize a chinchilla?
It is impossible to make a chinchilla cuddly. I got one thinking that I was going to be able to just like sit there and hold it but no way. You hold it for like half a second then its starts running around jumping on furniture, tables, anything and then you can't catch it again. Here's the basic rule for chinchillas.

You should have researched all this even before cons..... Never mind I don't make sense, someone else will say it properly.

Anyway, when you first get you might want to let it rest, if the pet store is a long ways away. Then after the first day, you can play with it every day to make it love you and, it will look forward to its next play time.
Hav it sleep under ur shirt for about 84 days then give 42 baths and then dye it hot black then put it under ur shirt for 51 more days then ur chinchilla will b a social butterfly!!!!!!
take it out of its cage very often to be pet by people.

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