Monday, July 26, 2010

Looking for peoples advice on using Pro-active products for treating acne. What kind of results did you have.

I am in my 30's and have dealt with mild acne since being a teenager. Tried many different products. Seems maybe Proactive is the way to go. Want to know what the readers think.Looking for peoples advice on using Pro-active products for treating acne. What kind of results did you have.
My son used it and it worked wonders for him. It's important, of course, to follow the directions exactly. He also tried antibiotics and other products prescribed by our dermatologist, but the Proactive was the most effective product.Looking for peoples advice on using Pro-active products for treating acne. What kind of results did you have.
Bonne Bell is good the 10-06 astringent...applied actually with not it tends to be abrasive. ~ buff Puffs...a very old way to deal with it that has an abrasive nature to it...and then of course for the more expensive..the highly recommended Proactive which has before been mentioned. I also know that going to a warmer climate aids in the healing process of this...I mean heat such as Las Vegas, Phoenix or even palm Springs.

It's not a bad idea to use a tanning booth occasionally although i am NOT a proponent of these, I shall give you an example.

When my family moved to Scottsdale, my husband's acne, adult onset BTW,. cleared up. There is something for the body's need for heat and the skin's own sebaceous glands...that simply takes to it. Keep oils except for Olive oil and Canola Oil out of your system.

Stick to your daily regimen of Hygiene and then get some sun....take he heat...steams and so forth..this is REALLY an inside job working it's way out. You also might look at this one thing.

STRESS~ get RID of those around you who cause you stress, and replace each one person or item with sometrhing that honours you. There!VOILA! UI bet that with these facts in hand it will take very little time for you to understand. It wouldnt hurt to have a blood panel done to check your Gallbladder as the skin is only really a reflection of what is going on inside. OK?


YEARS of dealing with facial products that were extremely expensive.......and then finding as one size does NOT fit all....a combination is different for everyone. Thanks.
Well, I didn't use pro active, but I used a face cleaner that was compared to that. Had all the same ingredients, or most of them anyway, except cheaper. I got pretty good results. It's called Acne Free. I hope things work out for you. Have a great day :)
Proactive works quite well on my face. The only problem is that their three step product is too long for me on some nights. For the weeks that I do use it correctly, I works quite well. For the weeks where I'm missing nights and lacking beauty sleep, it doesn't work quite well...

It did do wonder for my friend though.
My sister said it dident work that well.

I found it dident work any better than the cheap products you can but at any pharmacy for under 10.00.
I am 31 and used Proactive for a couple of years. It worked pretty well for me. My acne wasn't completely gone, but was reduced significantly. Buying online was rather annoying, so I recently switched to Neutrogena Advanced Solutions, which works just as well for me. I have also seen other brands in stores like Wal-mart and Target that are labeled as ';compare to Proactiv';.
I used it and it made my skin feel and look cleaner. It really didn't seem to be cleaning my pores, but it did give me smooth skin. The only problem about it is that if you miss even 1 day, you'll break out. you must be consistent with it.
Lots of people I know have used product called ';'; and their acne problems are reduced or gone. You can try the same from following website. They have money back gurantee.

Search for in beauty section.

Best of luck
We have been fooled, tricked, deceived, and just plain lied to. It's time that someone put a stop to it, and everyone learn the truth!

Those of us who suffer from acne has usually been given 2 choices and neither of them work:

1. Over the counter remedies such as cleansers, creams, ointments, etc. These things have been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

2. Go see a doctor and or dermatologist. They will generally prescribe prescription drugs which include topicals and or antibiotics. This, too, has been proven over and over again not to work. Why? It does not address the root cause of the problem.

I found a step-by-step program that cured my acne and it has never come back. It is amazing and doesn鈥檛 use any drugs. The truth is that acne can be cured鈥f we know the secret the doctors and drug companies don鈥檛 want us to know.

There is a great website: that has all the details. I really suggest you check it out and see if it works as well for you as it did for me.

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