Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Help, my horse is lame, any advice on how to make her more comfortable?

I found her seriously lame in her hind left foot this morning when i went out to feed the gang. She wouldn't attempt to walk to the stable for breakfast.

She was totally fine when they had supper yesterday evening.

I called my vet out straight away, he thought there could be a few possibilities, the worst case scenario - a break, an abcess in her hoof, (he has pared away where he thought there may have been an abcess, but so far has gone quite deep, and not found any pus) or tendon damage.

My vet is coming out tomorrow to assess how things are progressing.

I have hot tubbed her foot with lots of salt in the water for 10/15 mins at a time every couple of hours.

She has had anti infamatory/pain killing injection at 11am.

She is in the stable on a deep bed of shavings, with water and hay close by so she doesn't have to hobble to far.

Is there anything else anyone can suggest to help make her more comfortable? I hate to see her in pain, it's breaking my heart.Help, my horse is lame, any advice on how to make her more comfortable?
I think you have done everything you possibly can for now. I do hope it is nothing serious. It's a pity that not all horse owners are like you, I work for a horse rescue centre and have seen some awful cases. Very best of luck xxHelp, my horse is lame, any advice on how to make her more comfortable?
Thanks for picking me as your favourite. I work for the Blue Cross Equine Rehab Centre in the Midlands. Good for you rehoming and caring for a rescue horse. I really wish you all the very best in the future and will keep my fingers crossed for Molly to make a full recovery xx

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I would almost say that she does have a abscess! A sudden abscess that produces immediate lameness is actually a fast healing one with my experience. Even though a vet can help find a abscess it still isn't there field and your farrier would be better at it. I would not hesitate to give him a call. Press around her coronary band for any type of soreness. Did he use hooftesters on her? That right there would have told you if it was in the hoof or not. I would almost look for this to pop out at the coronary band. Look for any wetness or a very small slit or sloughing away that will show signs of it coming out. This is what I would do to make her more comfortable. Personally I never soak! I find it to be just as effective to wrap them then soak and then wrap them. I have treated 100's abscesses. Very common in TB's! If you want to do this, I would get a large baby diaper, furacin, vetwrap, and duct tape. If she is 3 legged lame and in the stall, don't worry about the duct tape unless she was going out. Saran wrap is also what I use. Take the saran wrap and glob the furacin all over the bottome of the hoof and all around the coronary band. The saran wrap is to keep the furacin on the hoof and not letting it absorb into the diaper. Put on the diaper and use the vet wrap to wrap compleately around the diaper. This keeps the diaper on and forms it to the hoof. Do not apply the vetwrap tight around the coronary band but it does not matter around the hoof. This will help moisten the areas and allow tha abscess to come thru. This is my method and it has never failed me. As for pain relief, your vet probably gave her banamine. If he didn't leave you banamine or bute then there is nothing else to do for her later. Good luck! I hope its a abscess caus eits a easy fix.
you,ve done all you can bless you.
try to set her foot in cow manure that help draw out some pain it helped a horse owned by the amish guys
The only thing I was going to suggest you've already done: the anti-inflammatory medicine. I would say you've got everything covered...time will tell. Sorry she's in trouble, and hope she recovers quickly.
Ok. You have done really really well!!!!!! Congrats. Yet there is always a rather dim side to every stroy. Try to stay with her as much as possible. As horses are herd animals they cope with families. If assistance for her getting around try to push her a little each day. You know just a step or two then reward her. By the time you get the vet recomended excercixe she will be strong enough to take over any task!!!!!!! I really hope I helped you and your horse!
Keep on talking gently to her. TLC works with horses too.
I dont know anything about horses but most animals respond to love and you seem to be doing everything you can

I would just stroke her and talk to her

i hope she gets better soon

It sounds like your doing everything by the book. Is there any heat in her hoof area or her leg? Or swelling? Did she cast her self last night in her stall? Is she in box stall or pipe? She could have kicked the bars and hit them just right, or got legs stuck between the bars and thrashed around a bit. Keep her stall bedded down good and give her bute as needed for pain. One little thing to file in your brain file, Use heat to draw something out (abcess or infection) and cold to reduce swelling. Sometimes you need to alternate both of these, 20 minutes cold, then 20 minutes off, 20 minutes heat, 2o minutes off. If you should ever need a medicine for open injuries of ANY type, I highly recommend this product I get from Oklahoma, Underwood Horse Medicine. It's the easiest medicine you'll ever use for any animal. You don't have to wash, wrap, soak anytime while using it. You just shake it up spray it on, then shake Baking Powder, the red can (not baking soda, the yellow box) on top of the spray and thats it. The stuff is amazing, an old family recipe and now it's available to the public. Make sure you tell them Ellen from Norco, CA sent you to them.

Good luck with your horse, hopes she feels better
hi, i am very sorry to hear your horse has gone lame. You and your vet are doing a really good job possible so dont worry. Just do exactually what you are doing and she will be fine in no time. Loads of horses go lame and vets are very good at finding the problem out, if you have ever sprained your ancle. It really hurts but we just have to rest it and that is what your horse is doing.
You've done all the right things, continue to do them and make sure the vet gives you enough Banamine to get her through. Try not to worry too much, you've done what you can and think positively. If she likes brushing or scratching a certain spot do that as much as you can. Good luck %26amp; I know how you feel!
You cannot do anything until the vet has assessed her properly, otherwise you may cause more harm than good. Horses legs are very complicated things so just wait and see what your vet says tomorrow before doing anything
Ive had three horses touch wood only small probs,slightly damaged frog etc. She's in tonight, rugged and in a clean stable.......Thats all you can do, leave the rest up to the vet.

Hope she's OK.....Let us know. ps I once slept in a sleeping bag in the same stable as a two year old Irish Draught X Clysedale that helped....dangerous though!
I think you've just about got it all covered for the time being.

Let the vet do his job.,

Good luck with everything and let us know how she goes on.
Its hard to see them in pain isn't it.

Unfortunately, theres really not alot more you can do than you have been doing. You don't want to give too much pain meds and then have the horse feeling all better and doing worse damage.

Hang in there, hopefully a good prognosis tomorrow.

Did the vet do xrays??
wow thats not good!you should probably turn her out in a sucluded in door padock.give her exter food and hay
you have done everything possible

she is warm dry and as comfy as you can make her

good luck in the morning with the vet
sounds like you have done all you can do for now. Keep her in deep bedding, keep her penned up and out of any excitement. Hope all goes well.
I FEEL SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD FOR THE POOR THING!!!!!!!! ICE THE HECK OUT OF IT!!!! please checkout my questionnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
double barrel shotgun

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