Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is your advice for an aspiring wildlife warrior?

I'm doing a show at (not .com) and want to hear your advice.What is your advice for an aspiring wildlife warrior?
For teens I would encourage them to volunteer at different wildlife organizations. Opportunities are usually available at zoos, nonprofit conservation organizations, and even state and federal wildlife conservation organizations sometimes have opportunities for interested youth. It never hurts to ask around!What is your advice for an aspiring wildlife warrior?
BBQ some ground beef burgers, my guests usually like that.
Forgive me, I mean no disrespect, but I'm not sure what you mean by ';warrior';, but if it has anything to do with radical organizations like PETA [who is big on recruiting kids so they can't be tried as adults in court], or E.L.F., my advice would be get used to sitting in jail, or worse, prison.

If it has something to do with your state DNR or Wildlife Service, then learn all you can about management and conservation. These are usually good programs.
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