the pros- no more strep can still get it but TRUST me your throat will barley hurt again=]
cons- cant eat hard food for like 2 weeks after you get them out..its worth it...
but i couldnt eat hard food a month after because my vessel popped wear the stitches were and it was bleeding and it took longer to heal(it wont happen to you it happen to me because i had a cigg.I need advice on deciding whether or not to have surgery?
Its tonsils. The tonsils when inflamed is termed as tonsillitis. Tonsillitis occurs due to bacteria or viruses that infects it. When tosillitis is severe and chronic, doctors usually recommend to have it removed. Removing the tonsils is termed as tonsillectomy. Though the tonsils is part of the immune system, it is not really that important. What I mean is that without the tonsils, you will still be immunocompentent. During tonsillectomy, the surgeon would only take the larger part of the tonsils, there would still be the smaller tonsils behind it that will be left. Moreover, having it out is just like having your appendic out when you have an appendicitis. Doctors, recommend removing the tonsils in severe and chronic cases due the complications that it can give you. The worst complication would be having rheumatic heart disease or mitral valve stenosis.
get them out! after i had mine out, i never had strep throat again.
no they are not a HUGE part of your immune system.
just get them yanked. the surgery hurts like hell, but you will be so glad in the end that you did it.
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